Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Fat Burning Diet Plan to Get the Attractive Body You Want

If you've been searching for the ultimate fat burning diet plan, you've probably run across two schools of thought:

Eat Less, Exercise More
Some Weird Fat Diet

The "mainstream" health authorities favor the first, while a lot of shady characters are all about the second. But the truth is that neither of these things are exactly true. Number one will lower your metabolism while leaving you hungry, lethargic, and unable to focus.

Weird fad diets may work short-term, but they aren't sustainable long-term. (Grapefruit diet, anyone?) So what's a person to do?

Making Fat Loss Automatic

The key to losing fat is to eat a similar diet to other cultures that don't have the problems with obesity that America does. In all parts of the globe, through all of human history, the people that attained the leanest physiques were those who ate fresh, whole, natural foods while those who didn't ate highly processed and refined foods.

Now, I'm not saying that you should only eat organic or anything like that, but you had better start eating fresh chicken instead of chicken nuggets, and vegetables from the produce section instead of veggies from a can.

The healthiest people in the world tend to be primitive hunter-gatherers and traditional societies where food is viewed as something to be enjoyed rather than something to be cut back on. Instead of counting calories, count how many years the food you are eating has successfully sustained human populations.

What to Look For

So what kind of food should you eat with your fat burning diet plan? Here's a few tips:

Eat food from the perimeter of the grocery store rather than those from the center of the store. If a food must be refrigerated, it's a good sign that it is real food and not processed into oblivion.
Eat food with as few ingredients as possible. The more ingredients, the more possibility of over-refinement. Food without an ingredient list (meat, produce, eggs, etc.) are clearly the best options.
Don't eat anything with an ingredient your grandparents wouldn't have recognized as food when they were your age. So many bizarre chemicals and preservatives show up in foods today that you must be ever-vigilant to reduce the amount of garbage you consume.

The Hormonal Advantage

By eating a diet of vitamin- and nutrient-rich whole foods, you bypass the need to count calories and starve yourself. This type of diet will keep leptin levels up and insulin levels down, therefore keeping you from overeating and accumulating fat.

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