Monday, January 13, 2014

Make A Healthier Diet Plan To Help Lower High Blood Pressure

Your heart and your kidney need your help being taken care of. Early in your life you may find that you could eat and drink whatever you wanted without damaging your health too much - but the older you get, the more vulnerable to high blood pressure you become. There will come a point when you need to control what you eat, to become picky so that you can stay healthy longer.

Here are a few things to think about when you're making a healthier diet plan. This should of course be coupled with some exercise.

You'll need to cut down on the sodium. The best way to do this is to remove as much salt from your diet as you can stand - if you can avoid salty foods altogether, so much the better for your heart and blood pressure.

Most adult Americans actually take in around six grams of sodium a day, which is far more that the daily recommended allowance of two point four grams. If you experienced increased blood pressure, you should take to a physician to find out just how much sodium you need to cut out.

A number of daily foods are already loaded in sodium. If you have ready-to-eat or canned style food, you're already probably eating and consuming too much sodium. Some people even add more and more salt to already salty food. It's not wrong to like salty food, but they should be aware of what it could do or what it has already done to their bodies and their blood pressure.

A good way to counter high sodium intake is to eat potassium rich foods such as bananas and watermelons.

Cheese lovers might find themselves on the short end of the stick for a while as they realize that cheese is filled with sodium - luckily, there are kinds of cheese that don't have as much sodium as others, allowing them to keep eating these and other dairy products without putting their health at risk.

Processed meats are incredibly salty and thus are a definite no-no.

This author frequently posts articles on topics such as glass bathroom sinks and the sink vanity.

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