Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Why And What Type 2 Diabetes Diet Plan Should Be Followed?

Following a healthy diet plan while suffering from type 2 diabetes is very important for a patient. It has been observed in numerous cases that patients do not consider their diet an important element in the treatment and cure of type 2 diabetes. When advised about following a special healthy diet plan to reverse and manage their type 2 diabetes, they pose a question as to why should they adopt a special diabetes diet plan? And many other such questions that are irrelevant of the relation type 2 diabetes has with the patient's diet.

It is very important to explain here why patients should pay utmost importance to improving their diet and dieting plan before moving on to the diet plan itself. Type 2 diabetes is caused by constant high sugar levels in the blood. People are usually unaware of the effects that these packaged and overly processed foods have on their health. These foods contain high levels of refined sugar. In scientific terms, it is also known as simple carbohydrates. There are mainly two categories of carbohydrates present in the food we eat. One is the complex carbohydrates while the other type is called simple carbohydrates which are mostly present in junk food.

Simple carbohydrates are easily breakable and transferable into the blood stream by the digestive system. This raises the blood sugar levels and puts the pancreas under immense pressure because it has to produce the natural hormone called insulin to keep up with these increased blood glucose levels. Hence, a time comes when the insulin is no more helpful to the body and it stops lowering the blood sugar levels causing type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance. The patients should follow the following diet plan that will help them maintain a lower blood sugar level by eating in small amounts over five sessions that are laid throughout the day.

Breakfast: The patient should go for a complex carbohydrate breakfast that may include a bowl of whole grain cereal, slice of whole grain bread, or oatmeal. Addition of proteins through the use of yogurt and high protein meats such as bacon, made from turkey or an egg is necessary. And last but not the least, end the breakfast with a nice fruit serving and full glass of water.

Pre-Lunch Snacking: Snacking is a great way of preventing hunger and easy weight loss. Pre-lunch snacking should have high amount of fiber foods. Fruits such as unpeeled pears and different berries should be eaten with fervor.

Lunch: The best lunch for a type 2 diabetes patient should be taken no later than a maximum of five hours after breakfast. And, should include proteins and both simple and complex carbohydrates. A small amount of desert sweetened with honey.

Post Lunch Snacking: Try to time this snack between lunch and dinner. It should help the patient to avoid over eating at dinner.

Dinner: It should be taken at least four hours before the patient has to go to bed and must contain complex carbohydrates and a good amount of fats.

Having difficulty planning your type2diabetesdiettips.com type 2 diabetes diet plan? Easy and healthy diet plans are waiting for you at type2diabetesdiettips.com/what-is-a-good-type-2-diabetes-eating-plan type2diabetesdietplan.

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