Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Fast Weight Loss Diet Plan - Get Your Body in Motion

My favorite fast weight loss diet plan involves exercise. Lots of jumping up and down, dancing around, and jogging for miles on my Wii Fit. I learned at a relatively young age that if I wanted to stay slim, I would have to work at it. The benefits of a daily workout are tremendous. You can lower your blood pressure, reduce stress, strengthen your body, and reach your ideal weight.

When I decided to get back into shape, I had just given birth to my son. I had gained 30 pounds with my pregnancy, and lost it relatively quickly by nursing my son. The weight crept back on when I had to go back to my desk job, and my stress mounted. I hated being away from my son, and the job on the phone became to grate at my nerves. I would overeat to comfort myself from the stress when I should have really been talking to someone about my anxiety.

I ended up 45 pounds overweight, and depressed. I had to start wearing stretchy clothes, and I didn't feel sexy anymore, and I lacked the energy I needed as a new mother. I knew that I had to get moving, and exercise my way back to good health and my ideal weight.

My most important diet secret is to give into your cravings (but enjoy it slowly, and in moderation). I love chocolate. I have to get a candy bar at least one every two weeks. So even though I stick to my diet most every day, I allow myself a treat once every few weeks, and I amp up my workouts an additional 20 to 30 minutes during the week. This is a very important secret to weight loss. If you indulge, simply take that into account and exercise to burn more calories. Walk a few miles in addition to your aerobics. It's a very effective and simple technique.

I keep my diet very simple too. I eat of variety of fresh foods, and I don't eat processed foods, or other junk during my dieting days. I stick to my diet at least 5 to 6 days a week, and I have a cheat day where I will give into a bowl of ice cream, or some other indulgence. I ended up losing the 45 pounds, and I got my edge back. I feel like myself again with renewed energy and spirit.

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