Saturday, June 22, 2013

Mediterranean Diet Plan - Breakfast Served in Greece

The information presented here can help you greatly control and improve your body-weight. Since the overweight is a great issue for the past decade I believe that information presented will be of benefit to everyone. This free report will show how you too can greatly improve your health by changing your daily eating habits.

Once you understand the real reason the slimming naturally, without any special and expensive dieting-plans and strenuous exercises, will be a piece of cake.

Now, let us go for a real Mediterranean breakfast - to Greece. Bon appetit.

Typical Greek Breakfast

The smell of toasting bread got me out of bed. The kitchen was warmed by an old cast-iron stove. And here it was, an offering for the Greek Gods a typical Mediterranean breakfast: that slightly charred bread in a bowl with olive oil and a cup of warmed wine poured over it.This breakfast, so typical; Indeed, it was the image of that most nutritious of trinities (grapes, wheat, olives) once again proving itself to be the ultimate Mediterranean meal.

* The typical Greek breakfast: eggs with cheese, feta, tomatoes, spinach pie, olives and sour milk.

The first "food" of the day was-and still is-just a coffee or infusion of mountain tea, mint, or any other of the countless herbs collected and dried and maybe a slice or two of rusks, a few olives and some cheese.

* Traditionally, the main meal is in mid-afternoon. Dinner as well as breakfast has traditionally been light.

Even schoolchildren are packed out the door typically having slurped nothing more than a tall glass of warm milk.

To this day, office workers arrive at their desks greeted by a sesame bread ring, a piece of cheese, and maybe their preferred coffee.

* Mid-morning is when hunger kicks in, spurring them toward their second cup of coffee and a snack. This light meal consists of something usually hand-held as a cheese pie, spinach pie, and cream-filled pastry.

A roster of traditional products, though, from thick Greek yogurt and cheeses both mild and sharp, honey, fruit preserves, olives, breads and biscuits provide healthful choices for what nutritionists almost universally agree is the day's most important meal.

* Even that old farmer's bowl of steaming porridge is a powerhouse of good nutrition filled with complex carbohydrates.

Now, the morning is long behind me and is time to get some fine Greek spinach pie and wash it down with famous thick Greek yogurt. Well, that wasn't so bad at all.

See you later at Mediterranean lunch, probably in Greece again, or maybe somewhere else.

Bon appetit.

Learn how not to gain weight

How to slim fast

Dushan R. Kokar

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