Thursday, June 20, 2013

Healthy Diet Plans - 8 Simple Keys To Success

Most people do all the wrong things and make way to big a deal out of eating well and staying fit. It's not about gimmicks and toys and starving yourself. Don't psych yourself out before you even begin by thinking it's complicated or difficult.

When putting together a healthy diet plan, there are a few key things you need to consider in order to be successful. If you follow these 8 great tips, you will increase the likelihood of reaching your fitness goals.

Be Realistic-Make sure you choose a plan that you enjoy. Carrying around celery sticks and eating dirt cookies is a sure fire way to fail. Placing too many constraints or eliminating everything that you enjoy is just unrealistic. The most effective diet plans are based on moderation and balance. These plans become lifestyle changes and can last for life.
Create Benchmarks-It's a good idea to take measurements and photos and write things down about your starting point. Succeeding with a healthy diet plan takes time and with benchmarks you can see your progress a little bit at a time and stay encouraged.
Write It Down-Write down the reasons why you are trying to lose weight or get trim. Reviewing these reasons periodically will also keep you moving in the right direction. Be specific about what you will do when you achieve your goals and write them down too. These might include buying certain new clothes or going certain places that you were too embarrassed to go before you got your new look! Place your photos and your list of goals and rewards where you can see them frequently during your normal daily routine. This kind of written reinforcement is very helpful with goal attainment in general and especially helpful when it comes to dieting and fitness. It can be the difference between success and failure.
Get A Buddy-Another great idea is to find someone to share your goals with. A partner with the same goals, challenges and frustrations can really help when things get difficult.
Clean House-Make sure to change your environment to suit your goals. Clear out the cupboards and the refrigerator. If the cookies and soda aren't there, you can't be tempted to indulge. Sacrifice is certainly part of any healthy diet plan, but you may as well make it as easy as you can.
Prepare For Lapses-Expect to reach points in your plan where you break the rules and fall down. Don't worry. Just pick back up where you left off and forgive yourself. One mistake or bad day doesn't mean your done. Any normal person is going to give in occasionally and cheat. The key is to persevere. Don't give up!
Keep It Simple-I think it was Henry Ford who said "No task is difficult when you break it down into smaller tasks". Losing 50 pounds in a month ain't gonna happen. Losing a few pounds a month for a year and gaining strength and energy might be very feasible. If you focus on small near term goals, you increase your chances of success dramatically.
Find Balance-Finally, find some balance and variety in your exercise routine. Not just weights, not just cardio. Mix in some stretching for flexibility and plan around your schedule. If you travel then you need to figure out ways to eat well and exercise while you are away.

Put some thought into your healthy diet plan, write things down and surround yourself with people and an environment that will support your goals. Then commit to it and stay the course.

Are You Interested In Finally Getting In Shape Without Killing Yourself? To Learn More About Healthy Diet Plans Come Visit Us At Natural Lean Body

Mark Aylward is an interested student of holistic living, fitness, natural weight loss and wellness. He writes frequently about all of these topics.

(c) Copyright-Mark K Aylward All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint rights are granted where no changes are made to this article.

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