Thursday, June 6, 2013

How to Craft the Ultimate Six Pack Diet Plan

These days you never really know who to trust for information on how to achieve that pinnacle of fitness, the six pack. I have literally spent thousands of dollars on dieting sites, E-books, books, training, etc. looking for the right program to get me the body that I wanted. Below I am going to give you some quick and easy tips to get you moving in the right direction towards the body of your dreams. The perfect six pack diet plan includes the following necessities.

- Calories in vs. Calories out is a HUGE factor in losing unwanted body fat. Regardless of how healthy you are eating, if you are not keeping your calories in check you are not going to progress at all. A good starting point is multiplying your total body weight by 14. This is just an estimate, but starting at this point you can adjust your calories as needed from week to week depending on results.

- Burn fat instead of starving fat. This is where a lot of people tend to get confused. Keeping calories in check is the number one rule, but there are multiple ways to do that. Doesn't a diet plan sound easier if you are eating 2000 calories a day and working out for a half hour a day instead of the alternative 1500 calorie a day starvation. Your bodies response could possibly even react better given the fact that it is given more nutrients, and yet you still achieve the same caloric deficit.

- Lift weight, don't be afraid of turning into a bulky bodybuilder. I promise you that to achieve the type of muscularity that you see on a lot of those models they do a lot more than lift weights to gain that type of muscle. In order to gain muscle you actually need to over eat and add weight, which should eliminate anyone's fear of looking like that. Lift weights, and tone the muscle that you all ready have. The best six pack diet plan can get you to very low levels of body fat to show off those abs, but you need to have abs first for them to even show. Same goes with any other part of your body. LIFT WEIGHTS PEOPLE!

- Finally, focus on obtaining the bulk of your calories from natural sources. I could throw a million reasons as to why this is best, but the honest reason is this. Natural food sources are very nutrient dense and you will get a lot more bang for your buck eating 10 pieces of broccoli than eating 1 cookie. The cookie has anywhere between 150 - 400 calories, whereas the broccoli has MAYBE 50, and which one do you think will make you feel more full. This strategy alone can make dieting a lot less taxing on your nerves as well as the health benefits you will receive in the long run from eating such nutrient dense foods.

You would be surprised, by following these steps alone you can make incredible progress toward your desired goals. There are other factors to achieving even greater leanness which I will discuss in future articles. But for now, I hope this has helped you in your quest, and good luck in creating your own six pack diet plan!

I have been following the diet and fitness industry for years now, and I want to share the success I have had with anyone who is willing to listen. No one should have to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to achieve the body that is rightfully theirs. If you would like more help with your diet, or more info on which diet plans do work you can contact me via my site at

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