Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Calorie Shifting - How it Works and How to Add it to Your Diet Plan

Calorie shifting is a dieting technique that has become one of the most popular ways to lose weight in recent times.

Calorie shifting is a concept that basically means you never eat the same amount of calories at the same time each day.

For example, let's say you had a breakfast today that had a total of 300 calories. We'll also say that it was a medium sized breakfast.

Tomorrow, instead of eating the exact same breakfast, you would try to eat a different amount of calories, maybe 200 or 400 but not 300.

You would "switch" your medium sized breakfast to either a smaller or larger one instead.

Why would you want to do this?

The idea behind calorie shifting is that the body will "adapt" itself to your eating pattern if you keep it the same every single day.

If you have been eating a small breakfast for many months or years, your metabolism will be much slower in the morning as your body knows it is only going to get a small amount of food during that time of the day.

However, if you start to calorie shift, and alternate a small breakfast with a medium or large one, your body will become "confused" and won't be able to adapt to your eating pattern which forces your metabolism to always remain much higher.

And we all know that if you have a stronger metabolism you'll burn more calories each day which will only speed up your weight loss.

To show you how calorie shifting works, let's say you had a big breakfast today. Tomorrow your body will actually prepare itself for a similar sized breakfast.

If however, you eat a smaller breakfast, your metabolism will be high because it will have prepared itself for a larger meal.

This will cause you to burn body fat because there won't be as much food for your body to metabolize as it had prepared for.

Below is a quick example of how you might eat your meals over the next 3 days to illustrate how you could use calorie shifting:

DAY 1.
Breakfast: 300 calories
Lunch: 400 calories
Dinner: 500 calories

DAY 2.
Breakfast: 500 calories
Lunch: 250 calories
Dinner: 350 calories

DAY 3.
Breakfast: 400 calories
Lunch: 600 calories
Dinner: 300 calories

As you can see, no 2 days are the same. On day 4 you could repeat the cycle and eat the same as day 1 or you could mix it up even more.

You will also notice that each day also has a different total calorie amount.

This is the second part of calorie shifting, which means you also won't eat the same total amount of calories 2 days in a row.

This is because the body does not only "adapt" to how many calories you eat at each meal, but also to how many calories you eat in total for the entire day.

So as you can see, it could get a little complicated if you were going to try and work everything out yourself. However, there is a much easier way to calorie shift that I'll explain in just a moment.

So is there anything wrong with this type of dieting?

Well yes, you could run into a few problems depending on who's diet you decide to use. Here's a list of the general pros and cons for calorie shifting diets:


1. Calorie Shifting is really easy to use. You can even buy a pre-made menu and you simply follow it.

2. You don't have to starve. You usually get to eat 4 or more meals a day.

3. It's affordable. All the foods required in this diet menu are ordinary.

4. Generally provides continuous and fast weight loss if followed correctly.


1. May lack certain nutrients that are essential for maintaining a healthy body.

2. You have to strictly follow a menu. The diet has a menu you need to stick to that will require commitment on your part.

3. Doesn't require exercise. This could be seen as a "pro", however, exercise should be an integral part of any weight loss plan if you want to see permanent results.

4. Fast weight loss COULD lead to fast weight gain if you go and indulge in many sins as soon as your diet is finished.

5. The diet may get a bit boring and bland, so you probably won't be able to continue the plan for the long-term.

For short term weight loss goals though, the diet works quite well.

Another big advantage of using a calorie shifting diet is that they generally don't require you to cut out all the fat or carbs from your meals and allow you to add some of your favorite foods into the menu too so that you don't get those crazy cravings for certain foods.

So go ahead and start using the concept of calorie shifting starting tomorrow and I guarantee you'll notice a difference to your waistline within the first week or two.

Need to lose weight in a hurry? Try the Weight Loss Grail diet and lose up to 28 pounds every 28 days: The Weight Loss Grail

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