Saturday, June 1, 2013

Candida Cleanse Diet Plan - No Carbs for Systemic Candidiasis

For most of you, maybe H2O2, primal defense, and a standard candida cleanse diet plan will accomplish wonders, but let's forget it if you are systemic! I eat almost no carbs, and that's all. Whining or crying won't do any good, and sooner or later you will have to ask yourself what is more important, carbs or feeling good? I was vegetarian before all of this started, but now I eat meat. Call it necessity. Give thanks to the spirit of the animal, and to the Great Spirit for providing food that you can eat, and see if you don't feel better.

I eat protein and veggies, and that's pretty much it. I will eat carbs occasionally, but I don't feel clear if I eat too much. I also keep eating lots of salads and steamed greens. Eggs are good, too. Tofu will sit well with many of you, although some may react. Always listen to your own body and what makes you feel well. I eat avocados, which give me a sense of fullness that I just don't get with plain veggies. I would recommend a good digestive enzyme and a good multi-vitamin to anyone on a candida diet. Also vitamin C, calcium citrate with magnesium, and EFA's are also great.

Whatever protocol you choose to follow, a strict diet for the first month or two will really help you out. It sucks, but there are people who are starving to death all around the world, so be thankful that you have any food to eat. Remind yourself of that frequently as it will help. Liver support is important, especially if you start eating a lot of heavy protein. Milk Thistle rocks, but just make sure you get a good brand that is standardized. Also, sweetish bitters can really help (my favorite is Gaia Herbs).

If you are depressed, St Johns wort is really useful here, again standardized. It may take a few weeks, but feels really good. Also affirmations and self-hypnosis tapes can really help your attitude. Some adrenal and energy tonics such as Siberian Ginseng and Ashwaganda can help, too.

Well, if I stick to the diet, take my probiotics, herbs, and H2o2, I feel good. But if I get off my diet, it will all be dropped again. Since H202 has been so effective, I have finally saved up the money and in 1 month, am going to start intra-venous H202 therapy. I have high hopes for this treatment, and really feel that this will take care of the problem. I have done my part and cleared most of the infection, but some of it is so deep. I really feel I need to go this extra mile. Try it out, make a serious commitment, and it should be sufficient for you to reclaim your life.

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