Saturday, April 20, 2013

How The New Accelerated Diet Plan Works

UsingThe New Accelerated Diet Plan

A few simple steps to be successful with the New Accelerated Diet Plan. Following the steps will help you win in your weight loss goals!

1. Begin by alternating the amount of carbs you eat per day. Each day we consume large amounts of healthy carbs but the truth is, when they break down into sugar and spike our fat storing hormone insulin they are no longer healthy carbs. Watch the movie Why We Got Fat on YouTube for a more informative explanation of what happens.

2. The carbs formally deemed healthy such as multi grain breads, cereals and pastas are not always good for us, replace them with greens. Try stir fried bok choy, peppers, onions, green beans, mushrooms and spinach instead of pastas, bread or rice. Spicy foods like peppers are an excellent way of increasing your metabolic rate also. Eating a salad for lunch instead of a sandwich helps confuse your metabolism and keeps it running high. A movie to explain more about breads and cereals more Big Fat Lies on YouTube

3. Eat more protein to feel full through out the day, eating more protein such as eggs, chicken, whey protein and fish will help stop cravings. Higher amounts of protein have been shown to keep us full and without sugar cravings. Since high protein foods are harder to digest this also keeps your metabolism at a high rate. The longer your metabolism is at a high rate, the more body fat will be burned off. When you are craving for more food eat some fruit, apples, oranges, or a banana will tide you over till the next meal. Even a cold glass of water will stop the craving for a while.

4. Drink plenty of cold water, whether dieting or not, it not only keeps you hydrated but also keeps the metabolic rate up thus burning more calories or body fat. Cold water has to warm up to body temperature thus causing some more energy to be used by your bodies functions or burning some more body fat.

5. Begin Your Day with a protein rich meal, through out the day eat more meals every 2? to 3 hours following the menu generated for you with the online menu generator. The menu generator alternates the Carbs, Fats, and proteins to make sure your metabolism is running high. You eat the foods you like but you eat them in a different way.

6. Enjoy your sweets and treats on the 3 day break from the diet plan where you can enjoy a high carb meal or a desert and have it guilt free but make sure it is just on your 3 day breaks from the diet menu.The change in the eating habits confuses the bodies functions or metabolic rate which helps to keep the rate high. If you have not reached your goal weight yet go back to the menu generator and select your foods and click the button to have another 11 day menu made for you. This can be done as many times as needed with out any health hazards.

7. Fad diets require you by their foods, pills, or supplements. To often fad diets leave out all fat foods. The body needs some fat intake to stay healthy. If it does not get any fat it will start storing some fat for when it is needed. Thus you will be gaining instead of losing. Fat foods, carbs, and protein are essential to keep the body healthy, but need to be alternated enough to keep the metabolic rate going strong to burn the excess fat stored in your body.

8. The Results Don't Lie. If you stick with the plan the numbers will show up on the scale. There is no point lying to your self. Be truthful and honest in your use of The New Accelerated Diet Plan and you will soon see the person you like in the mirror and the numbers you like on the scale.

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