Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Want A Diet Plan To Lose Weight Fast - Look At Your Metabolism

Weight loss basically comes down to a mathematical formula: the amount of calories consumed minus the amount of calories burned. If you are consuming more calories than you are burning then you will gain weight. It is simple mathematics.

Your metabolic rate is the speed at which your body burns energy or calories in normal every day usage. If you can boost your metabolism then you can increase the amount of calories that your body burns not only in normal functioning but also while it is resting.

Your resting metabolic rate is a very important factor if you want to lose weight fast.

Eat to boost metabolism. Diet plays a big role in determining your metabolic rate. What surely must be great news for dieters is the fact that the more frequently you eat, the higher will be your metabolism and the more weight you will lose. Yes, you read that correctly: eat more frequently to lose weight.

So now your concern need not be how can I stop eating, or how can I stop eating junk food and so on.

If you starve yourself or do not eat enough, and dropping below about 1000 calories per day would be enough to do it, then your body will retreat into starvation mode and your metabolism will slow down. This is an instinctual, primitive response that hails back to the times when men were hunters and there wasn't a shop on every corner and they may have gone many days, if not weeks between decent meals.

To help to compensate, the metabolism slows to preserve the fat deposits that the body carries. Muscle mass will be lost and this will cause the slowing of the metabolism.

To prevent going into starvation mode, and to keep your metabolic rate high, you need to eat.

Never skip breakfast. Many people make this mistake. Maybe they think that it is an easy meal to miss and that they will boost their weight loss. In fact it will only help to slow their metabolic rate, it will cause their blood sugar to drop to alarming levels which may in turn cause headaches and irritability, their stress levels will also rise and on top of all this it will also cause them to be overly hungry at lunchtime and so be more likely to overeat.

Eat small meals every 2 or 3 hours, this will keep your metabolism busy all day burning the calories to extract the energy from the food and pass it through your digestive system and so fuel your body.

You must exercise. Aerobic exercise is good for your heart and lungs and respiratory system and it is recommended that you do aerobic exercise in some form on a regular basis. However the best weight loss results will be achieved through strength training, preferably with weights. It is the best way to boost your metabolism, plus it will keep your body burning calories long after you have stopped exercising.

The body expends energy just by carrying muscle around. Every pound of muscle burns up to 500 calories per week in normal use, 1lb of fat burns only 14 calories per week. If you increase your muscle mass you increase your fat burning ability.

As the years go by we lose muscle mass and our metabolisms slow by 5% every 10 years. By 45 we burn 200 calories a day less than we did when we were 25 years old. If you do not exercise you could gain about 10lbs per year.

Whatever form of exercise you take up be sure you can keep it up for the long term. If you exercise strongly for a few weeks and then give up it will do you no good. Choose exercise that you like, start slowly and progressively build it up.

A Few Diet Tips:

Eat only lean protein: skinless chicken, turkey, oily fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel. Grill, poach but never fry. Lean protein will help to stop you feeling hungry and should make up about 30% of your meal.

Fruit and vegetables should be eaten in quantity every day, use them for snacking too.

Drink green tea and try to reduce black tea and coffee. Green tea is full of powerful anti-oxidants and has many other health benefits too numerous to mention here.

Cut out refined foods and starches and take only whole grains.

I know it is mentioned every time but do not forget to drink lots of water. It is vital for weight loss.

I am an ex-overweight person who was fortunate enough, many years ago, to find a healthy eating plan that helped me to lose a life-changing amount of weight. I have since maintained that weight loss. I have studied diet and nutrition for many years and I have a passion for health and fitness. I have studied yoga in England and India. I have a diploma to teach yoga from the B.S.Y. and also from the Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training Ashram in Majurai, Southern India. I am currently enjoying expanding my new weight loss website. For further weight loss advice and tips click here => howcanistopeating.com howcanistopeating.com

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