Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Calorie Restriction Diet Plan - Be Healthier, Live Longer!

Calorie restriction refers to the practice of eating less calories than normal for the purpose of improving health and prolonging life. It is a scientifically proven practice established by researchers at Cornell University. There are a few reasons why people choose to follow calorie restriction diet plans, including:

Longer life - Under laboratory conditions, this type of diet has been shown to increase the life expectancy of rodents, fish, and dogs. While the mechanism of action is not completely understood, it is thought that a decrease in insulin levels may partially explain it.

Improved memory - In 2009, a research paper was published stating that in a group of elderly patients, a calorie restriction diet resulted in memory improvement. This is another benefit of lower insulin levels since high insulin levels are sometimes associated with less effective memory and cognitive functioning.

Improved health - In a study done at Cornell, symptoms of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's were reduced in mice who were put on a restricted diet. Additionally, it is thought that by eating less food, fewer free radicals are introduced into the body which can result in greater overall health.

Calorie restriction should not be confused with anorexia, which is a psychiatric illness. This diet is a conscious choice to reduce the overall amount of food eaten in order to experience certain effects.

Of course, anyone wishing to engage in this type of eating plan should do the necessary research and make the decision for him or herself. Further research information is available below.

To learn more, please visit Calorie Restriction Diet [calorierestrictiondietplan.com/], or you can go here and learn about calorie restriction risks [calorierestrictiondietplan.com/the-other-side-a-look-at-the-potential-risks-in-calorie-restriction].

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