Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Getting Healthier With a Vegan Diet Plan

A vegan diet plan is one that consists only of eating vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts without any animal product including eggs and dairy products. For many people, having this type of diet keeps them healthier and fitter. Although it adopted for healthy living, some people adhere to the diet plan to avoid the participating in the slaughter of animals. On the bright side, vegans tend to eat raw food, which is quite high in essential vitamins and minerals, including helpful enzymes that aid in proper digestion. Usually, these essential food elements are lost when the food gets cooked at around 116 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Due to the destruction of enzymes during cooking, issues such as gastric problems and constipation occur.

Whenever a person wants to participate in the vegan revolution, his food should consist of at least 75 percent in their raw state. These foods include vegetables, fresh fruits, sprouts, seeds, and nuts. Incorporate fresh fruit juices in the plan as well and drink enough water during the day. Some vegans prefer to make vegetable juices out of fresh leaves as well. However, it should not include any meat products including fish, poultry, pork, beef, or any other animal flesh. Eggs, cheese and milk are also animal products and should be avoided as much as possible.

Before making any plans though, it is wise to consult a dietitian, nutritionist or doctor. These professionals can guide you into making a sound meal plan that does not compromise complete nutrition. It is also recommended that any person wishing to become a vegan should read magazines, meal plans, books and other reading materials regarding veganism. The Internet is a good place to do research, but a professional is still the recommended choice.

An example of a good diet consists of fresh fruits for breakfast, steamed grains or tubers including raw vegetables for lunch, and vegetable salad for dinner. Fruit juices and water should be drunk but never soda drinks. A vegan diet plan must be as diversified as possible and should cover important nutritional elements including protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids.

Kevin is an dedicated lifelong Vegan
He writes informative articles and produces video's on the internet to supply everyone from Athletes to people trying to find resources for a Vegan Diet Plan

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