Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Searching For a Fast Weight Loss Diet Plan That Will Have You Dropping 2-4 Pounds of Fat a Week?

Fast Weight Loss

What we're really after in our quest for a sexy-healthy-body is fat loss, not necessarily weight loss.  Many times people think a pound is a pound.  Those are the people that probably stick to the low carb Atkins Diet.

Do they look healthy?  Usually, they don't.  They are gaunt, flabby, and muscle wasted.  They're probably amazingly nutrient deficient and will probably experience bowel problems if they continue following that diet.

You see, in our quest for a fast weight loss diet plan that really works we need to avoid the gimmicks and the plans that extremely restrict anything.  Yes, anything in extreme restriction is just plain wrong, not to mention cruel.

Have you ever tried an extremely restrictive carbohydrate diet?  Did it work for you?  Probably not.  And remember the hell you went through.  The short temper, horrible breath, and low energy is awful.

And, when you eat a few carbs the weight piles right back on.  Not smart dieting.  However, Dr Atkins was indeed on to something.  Restricting carbs on certain days and at certain times does amazing things for rapid fat loss.

We don't need to go to extremes.  In fact, we can diet and never be hungry, all the while dropping 2 -4 pounds of fat per week.  It's all about understanding hormones and how our bodies store or burn fat.

Fast Weight Loss Diet Plan | Eat More | Eat Often | And Lose Fat Rapidly

Eat More & Lose

Cutting back calories too drastically will simply stall all our fat loss progress. 

However, intelligently raising and lowering our calories in the exact right way over a week's time will flush away fat faster than a Liposuction Surgeon.

We must eat about every three to four hours.  It may seem challenging, but would you rather be over weight and frumpy looking?  Just do a little planning and it's easy after you get into the habit.

Again, we need to use our own fat burning hormones to do the dirty work for us. 

Manipulation of carbohydrates, calories, and several other scientific tricks (ones that fitness models and actresses know about) will have us slim within days, not in months.

There is no better feeling than being thin, healthy, and attractive.  This feeling could be available to everyone if they only knew how to diet smarter and stay away from fad crash diets.

* Unleash the raw power of food and hormones - and yourfatlossmiracle.info Lose Fat Fast.

The secret formula of pattern eating - unlock the untapped potential of your own hormones: yourfatlossmiracle.info Click Here.

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