Wednesday, February 26, 2014

How Healthy Is The 7 Day Diet Plan?

Foods that are often suggested on the 7 day diet include such items as vegetables, grapefruits, various types of soups, cabbage, salad and various other types of food items.

Many people that try this type of crash dieting may in fact end up losing weight at the end of the seven day period however, more often than not, the person will generally gain the weight right back, along with some additional pounds added to the equation. This is a frustrating problem that is commonly referred to as the yo-yo effect. After gaining even more weight, they will often try the 7 day diet again and in the next few weeks gain more weight, and the cycle just continues.

What many people that try to lose weight on this diet are completely unaware of is that a large part of the weight they lose is often not extra weight from fat, but muscle. This is one of the biggest reasons why it is much healthier for a person to lose weight using other weight-loss methods of dieting.

Another downfall to the 7 day diet is that a person's body is not getting adequate levels of essential vitamins and minerals when they are only consuming one specific type of food. The reason it is recommended for us to eat a well-balanced diet that contains a variety of different types of foods is because the body's system depends on the vitamins and minerals they contain to perform efficiently. Only eating one thing is quickly going to run down a person's metabolism. The 7 day diet, in many cases, will also cause problems with the amount of energy that the person has.

If a person has set their mind to losing weight, they will benefit much more from an adequate amount of exercise combined with a diet that contains all the right foods needed for energy and essential vitamins and minerals.

Are you ready to get off the diet merry-go-round? Stop all the fad diets and discover The Diet Solution. You can lose weight, burn fat and still have more energy than ever before. Visit to finally stop dieting and start living.

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