Sunday, December 29, 2013

3 Easy Steps To Build The Perfect Diet Plan For You

The way you diet can get you get a great looking body and more confidence or it can ruin all your hopes of feeling and looking great. It seems like everyone is trying this or that diet, hoping to get that perfect body, sometimes without even knowing it! For example we all know we should eat a lot more raw more fruits and vegetables as well as less fat and so on.

For the most part of our lives, we do try to live life on the healthy side, but its not always easy to keep up with. And it doesn't get any easier when every magazine and health ad is revealing their perfect new diet plan and what you should be eating. This can make anyone confused about what they really need to do to reach their own personal dieting goals.

So what can you do to make sure your diet is both healthy as well as moving you toward your weight loss goals?

How to hand craft the perfect diet for you in 3 easy steps

1. Have common sense. First of all, common sense is your friend. You wouldn't let yourself starve to death with a whole bunch of yummy food around you. Common sense will also tell you when you've had enough food so you don't easily give in to hunger cravings, and to eat a fruit if you do! Common sense is your best ally when it comes to making smart diet choices.

2. Forget about dieting myths. No matter what you've read or heard, your body needs proteins, fats, sugars, fibers, vitamins and minerals at every meal so you feel satisfied and healthy during your day. Really, every time you eat you should have some protein, a little fat and some fiber on your plate to make sure you feel full and satisfied.

This takes some planning as its much easier to reach for the first bag of junk food you see and start munching. Try mixing up your healthy foods by eating an apple, followed by some plain yogurt to get rid of hunger cravings more than just eating 2 apples. Think of which healthy foods cover the bases and eat a little bit of everything at each meal

3. Raw food is good, but don't overdo it. We're always hearing about how raw food is healthier than cooked food. How you should be eating as much raw food as possible. But what you don't hear is how dangerous some raw foods like eggplants and beans are, which can damage your digestive tract if you consume too much of it. Many starch foods cannot be eaten if our bodies do not digest that type of starch unless its changed through the process of cooking it.

Other veggies like carrots have fragile nutrients that can be destroyed when fried. But cooked carrots still have plenty of excellent nutrients and vitamins. Whats the best mix? There isn't one! Just use common sense and eat a mixture of raw and cooked fruits and veggies. If its usually eaten raw, eat it raw.

If its usually cooked, don't eat it raw! Use these common sense dieting tips and include more healthy foods that cover all the nutrients your body needs to feel full, maintain a balanced diet, and look and feel great!

Mark Daily is a popular Weight Loss author. While you plan out your perfect diet, read more about herbal fat binding supplements that naturally absorb up to 27% of the fat you would normally store away so you can eat what you like while still losing weight.

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