Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Special K Diet Plan Review - Is the Special K Diet Challenge For You?

I bet you have heard of the Special K Diet Plan. It has been promoted for years now. It claims if you try it you can lose 6 pounds in 2 weeks. Well if you are looking for a sure and simple way to lose weight why not try this diet. The truth is like everything in life it has its good and bad points.

First, how does the plan actually work. You are to begin your day with two-thirds cup of skim milk and a bowl of any one of the many varieties of Special K cereal. You are to eat this for breakfast and lunch. Then when dinner time rolls around you are to eat your meal as usual. You are allowed two snacks during the day. These can be fruits, vegetables, or a Special K brand snack. You are recommended to drink water and juice for beverages as normal. After doing this same routine for 2 weeks, you should notice roughly about 6 pounds loss.

Second, before you start on the diet they give you a plan. You can go to their website and answer a couple of questions about dieting and your eating habits. After this you are given a 2 week plan on how to go about doing the Special K Diet Plan. If for some reason you do not like it you can make modifications to it at any time.

Look at the Positive of Side of the Special K Diet Challenge

* By starting the diet you will be eating breakfast everyday. This is a major advantage for anyone who is dieting. This will help your body by jump starting your metabolism and allowing you to burn calories a lot faster.

* You will also be giving your body calcium on a regular basis. It has been found in studies that calcium is a major help in the weight loss process.

* If you go to the website you can have a plan made for you. This will give you a sense of direction while on the diet.

* You can eat whatever you want within reason for your last meal of the day!

Look at the Darker Side of the Special K Diet Challenge

* Special K is fortified with rice, wheat, riboflavin, thiamin, and iron. Unfortunately, it is not high on fiber, potassium, or protein which are essential vitamins and minerals your body needs. So when I comes to your final meal of the day it maybe hard to resist the urge to not want to overeat.

* When planning to lose weight it is good to combine your meal plans with exercising plans as well. Special K does not give any suggestions on compatible or even possible exercises you can do to help with weight loss. You are on your own there.

* You are also not given any suggestions on your final meal of the day. If you go to the website you are given a plan for the whole 2 week process, but you are never told what to eat for that final meal. So this leaves room open for all kinds of potential detours on your way to trying to lose weight.

* This can become pretty tedious after a few days. While there are several Special K products to choose from during the 2 week process. A person could get tired of just eating Special K for the majority of 2 weeks.

Does the Plan Work and Why?

The Special K Diet Plan works for most people because it involves you eating fewer calories than you would normally use in a day. A person eating two bowls of cereal during the day and a normal meal at night would lose weight quickly over a course of weeks.

Who doesn't want to have rapid weight loss? To find out more about this and other helpful weight loss tips and much more go here now:

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