Saturday, September 7, 2013

Simple Diet Plans - 6 Tips to Weight Loss Success

Simple diet plans are the key to weight loss success. Your goal is to to lose weight - and keep it off; you can do this by eating healthy and smart. It's not necessary to deprive yourself of ice cream, candy or pizza for the rest of your life. You just have to eat in moderation and perhaps change the type. Plain and simple, for weight loss success you must take in fewer calories than you put out or burn during the day. This is a must to be successful in your weight loss plan. Following are some tips to include as you create a simple diet plan.

1. Grazing boosts your metabolism. Eating 4 to 6 small meals a day will help boost your metabolism. You have to keep the fire (your metabolism) stoked. Eat lighter as the day goes on. Eat like a king in the morning, a prince in the afternoon and a pauper at night. This gives your body a chance to burn the calories before you go to bed.

2. Eat whole-wheat products and low-glycemic carbohydrates such as vegetables. Stay away from refined processed carbohydrates such as white bread and sugar. White flour and refined sugar products burn too fast to do your body any good. These are wasted calories just like candy and sugar drinks. Try to eat some type of lean protein at each meal. Protein helps to satisfy hunger and it's an essential nutrient.

3. Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. To satisfy your need to drink, you can get servings by drinking a vegetable drink like V8. V8 fusion is great! You get a vegetable and fruit serving all at one time.

4. Keep track of everything you eat and drink. Sometimes our simple diet plans can be derailed because we don't realize how many times our hand goes to our mouths until we keep a log. Make sure you keep track of the tastes and spoonfuls you eat while cooking.

5. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. Non-carbonated, sugar free drinks can replace a couple servings of water. Remember your body needs some water so don't just drink non carbonated drinks. You can get lightly flavored water if necessary. Green tea can be a refreshing replacement for water.

6. Exercise. A big part of simple diet plans is to get a good mixture of strength training and cardiovascular exercise at least every other day. Pick an activity that you will keep doing, even after reaching your weight loss goal, so you can keep the weight off and stay healthy!

Fruits, vegetables and lean protein foods boost your metabolism and promote weight loss. Eat the right foods, increase your activity level and boost your metabolism naturally. With this simple diet plan you will achieve weight loss success.

Create simple diet plans with Meal Plans 101. Meal Plans 101 will help you create meals based on what you like to eat and the number of calories you need to consume each day for your desired weight loss.

Find out how many calories to lose weight are needed.

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