Monday, September 2, 2013

Diabetic Diet Plan - Control Diabetes Before it Worsens and Complicates

Blood sugar levels of over 100 may mean that you have diabetes. If this is present with obesity and other signs and symptoms of diabetes, you must take the initiative to consult with a doctor or take the necessary means to control it before it worsens and complicates.

Early diagnosis and treatment of the disease is essential.

Diabetes does not have a cure, but there are three things you can do to control the symptoms --- go on a diet, exercise, and take diabetic medications.

Since being obese is a risk factor leading to diabetes, it is important for you to make some changes in your lifestyle, most specifically when it comes to your diet. It is important that you follow a dietary plan that is suited to diabetics. Just to give you an idea, an ideal diabetic diet plan involves consuming 1200 to 1500 calories a day. This significantly limits your food intake but it is nonetheless enough not to get you hungry.

The goal of every diabetic diet plan is to reduce weight and reduce your blood sugar levels without depriving you of the essential nutrients. A BMI score of 27 or higher puts you at risk for diabetes, and this is the kind of score that you often see with obese persons.

A dietician can very well help you come up with the right plan for your needs. As soon as there are is a specific diabetic diet plan designed for you, make sure to follow it to the letter.

Of course, embarking on the appropriate diabetic diet alone may not be enough to combat diabetes. Regular exercise is also highly recommended as this helps not only to reduce the sugar levels in the blood but also to make you generally healthy. In many cases, taking of diabetic meds along with these two other blood sugar-reducing activities is advisable.

Controlling diabetes sugar is an art. If you want to be an expert in it, you should know the full details on what are the recommended fruits for diabetes and 6 tips on how to lower blood sugar naturally.

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