Friday, September 13, 2013

If You Can't Lose Weight Your Diet Plan May Be The Problem

I have been on this weight loss kick for sometime now. I have tried the Atkin's Diet, Weight Watchers, L.A. Weight Loss,Slim Fast and a host of others I do not bother to mention. I have purchased a tread mill, a bicycle and a few other toys that are scattered somewhere about the house at destination unknown. I have only recently been able to maintain sustained weight loss progress and this was only possible after I discovered the phrase on every single product or plan I purchased.


After spending more money than I care to mention on failed gizmos and gadgets and plans I read a phrase that changed my life. When I read the phrase "results not typical" it was like the sun came out and the birds started chirping. I frantically began to flip through all of the internet ads looking for the disclaimer that "results (were) not typical". It was tucked away neatly on advertisement after advertisement. It was then that I realized that my attempt to lose weight was not a failure because of me, it was because of my "diet" that I was attempting. It was at that moment that I realized that I am not a failure I am just the victim of advertising. I realized that the only thing everyone ever wanted to do for me was to take my money. It was at that time that I decided to revamp through research what it takes to lose weight. I then went on my quest that took a much briefer period of time than I had spent trying all of the weight loss products in the known world.

The Quest

I then started to visit website after website and I discovered that there are basically two types of websites when discussing weight loss. The first type is one that is pushing a particular product or a pill. Those sites I have found can be generally discarded and left behind because the website owner has one agenda and that is to make money through a particular product or a particular group of products. The second type of site is one that is also trying to make money but provides honest answers to questions people have about weight loss. Sure, these sites are trying to turn a profit but they are giving valid information about products and provide truthful, needed information for people desperately seeking knowledge. These sites are the gems and you should bookmark them because they have your interest in mind as well and are not solely concerned with making a profit.

So, they next time you get discouraged about your failed weight loss attempt look for the disclaimer. That disclaimer states that if you should ACTUALLY lose weight on their diet then you are the exception. If you fail to lose weight on their diet plan then you are typical. What this tells me is that if you go on a "diet" plan losing weight is really not what is expected of the plan. If you were expected to lose weight then the results would BE typical. But since results are NOT typical then those who created the diet plan really expect you to fail.

My suggestion is to just give up the diet plans, change your habits to be healthier and more active and you will lose the weight. Skip the diet and start a live-it because it works much better. Stop trying to take a pill to lose the weight and think there will be no effort to shed pounds. Weight loss is about eating less calories than you burn off during your day. Sure people can over complicate the issue but no matter what else you want to throw into the weight loss pot, it is all about calories in and calories out combined with motivation, and being able to sustain that motivation for the rest of your life. This statement shocks many because it is not what they are used to hearing. The fact of the matter is that if you want to lose weight you need to come up with a plan that you can live on for the rest of your life. If you set your plan on no carbohydrates chances are you will fail because one day you will want to eat carbs. What is suggested here is that you decide to change you entire approach to weight loss because you need to combine calories with activity so you can enjoy life and be able to not only lose the weight but be able to keep that weight off from today until the end of your own personal forever.

Keith Quackenbush is a graduate of St. John's University and a former U.S. Marine Corps officer. He and his wife (Sue) have been seeking knowledge on weightloss and have realized there is no magic pill to lose weight. is the destination achieved from the inadequate weight loss websites that really did not help others lose weight. Let the weightloss journey begin.

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