Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Suggested Diet Plan For Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

The main cause why people are suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome is having a very poor diet. What we eat everyday always affect how the organs in our body work. Thus, when we have a very poor eating habit, we should not be surprised as to why we are having constipation or diarrhea.

There are many of us that often skip meals, eat fatty and oily foods too much, and eat fewer foods that are rich in fiber. Some people are also intolerant to diary and milk products. These are just some of the causes why people get constipation or diarrhea. Having this stomach disorder can really be very uncomfortable.

So that we can prevent this from happening, it is of vital importance that we address our dietary issues first. The first thing that a person should do is to make sure to take plenty of water. Water is the best medium for detoxification. It can help in cleansing the body from the different toxins that it is taking in everyday. A person should have a minimum of 1.5 liters per day of liquid. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices can also be the best option when preferred.

Although, high amounts of body fluid are needed, it doesn't mean that you can drink anything. Caffeinated drinks such as coffee and carbonated soda must be avoided because this can trigger the symptoms of IBS. Tea may also be drunk provided that it is not caffeinated.

It is also important that we engage in a high-fiber diet. Fibers help in sweeping away excessive fats and unwanted toxins and cleansing the entire body. Aside from preventing yourself from experiencing irritable bowel syndrome or IBS, foods rich in fiber can also help you from acquiring other diseases related to digestion. Vegetables and fruits are very rich in fiber. It is suggested to include these kinds of foods in your everyday meals. Some of the foods which are very rich in fiber are apples, raisins, peaches, strawberries, bananas, avocado, cabbage, peas, beans, potatoes, and many other fruits and vegetables.

Having an abrupt change in our diet may be unpleasant. It can really be hard, especially when we are used to eating our most favorite foods. To change your diet doesn't mean that you have to avoid all the foods that may aggravate the symptoms. You can still eat these foods in moderation so that your body will not be deprived of the essential nutrients. Here is an example of an ideal dietary plan:

For breakfast, you can have a bowl of high fiber cereal, low fat milk or calcium fortified soy milk, toasted grain bread with honey. If you are lactose tolerant, you can have margarine or a little of butter for your toast. You can have lean beef, low fat cheese, fish or salad during lunch. Grilled chicken with lemon juice, a bowl of vegetable salad, and whole wheat bread may be eaten on your main meal. For your snacks, you can have low fat yoghurt, crackers, cheese, fresh fruits, and juices are good options for snacks. You must ensure to take plenty of water or liquid after every meal.

To get more information about IBS, you are invited to get a copy of my FREE report "The 5 Critical Things You Should Know about IBS" when you visit Just because Irritable Bowel Syndrome cannot be cured does not mean that you can't manage it. Just insert your information and you'll get instant access to your free report.

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