Sunday, July 21, 2013

Fat Burning Diet Plan - Cannot Get Rid of It, Then Burn It

The best way to get rid of unwanted stuff is to burn it. The same goes for those extra layers under the arms and tyres around the hips. How do we do it? Its a combination of a good eating pattern or a fat burning diet plan and exercise. Just eating what are called as fat burning foods, may not help.

However, it does facilitate the fat burning process. Intensive exercise makes our body to use those unwanted stored fat. Definitely two hands are better than one, when you have a deadline. So bring it on - diet and exercise.

Choose the right foods at the supermarket, because once they are home, its a struggle to keep them away. Citrus food like lemons contain acid which help to break up the stubborn fat in your food. Of course the good old green leafy vegetables and other high fibre containing food also help to keep the metabolism process going.

The aim is to keep the metabolism always on the move, so the body keeps burning the food. So it is as important not to starve as it is not to add those extra kilos. When you skip meals, the body takes this as an indication of a future scarcity of food (famine) and starts storing whatever little left as fat, which is not what we want.

Another point is to avoid carbohydrate rich food like rice or pasta for atleast three hours before bed. These release a lot of energy and we do not need this while we are asleep. The body has no choice but to store it as fat.

The body needs energy all the time, for breathing, sitting, working. Only the amount of energy differs. When you push yourself to an intensive workout, the body has to find ways to provide energy to fuel your workout. The fat stored in the body is burnt by the body to provide that energy. So if you have to burn it, you have to work it.

Do you need a Fat Burning Diet Plan that Works? Check out Team Diets for more information and help!

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