Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Volumetrics Diet Plan Review

The Volumetrics diet plan is a weight loss plan that was created by nutritionist Barbara Rolls, Ph.D. The diet is based on her observation that a person typically eats the same weight of food everyday. From this she concluded that to lose weight a person can eat the same amount of food, but the foods should be lower in energy density.

Thus, the Volumetrics diet plan involves eating foods that have a lot of volume, but are low in calories. These types of foods include fiber and water rich foods, both of which provide zero or little calories in your diet. By eating in this manner, the diet helps to maintain satiety, while still lowering your calorie intake.

Volumetrics Weight Control Plan

According to Volumetrics, to lose weight several elements must be satisfied.

Satisfy Hunger By satisfying hunger, you are less likely to overeat.

Reduce Calories Reducing calorie intake is the only natural way to lose weight.

Meet Your Nutritional Needs Meeting your nutritional needs helps to ensure a healthy and disease fighting body.

Include Physical Activity Physical activity keeps the heart strong and helps to increase weight loss.

Volumetrics Food Nutrition

The Volumetrics plan consists of a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Like, the USDA Food Pyramid, the majority of the calories come from carbohydrates. Fats are around 20 to 30 percent and proteins are around 15 percent.

Some types of carbohydrates that are recommended are melons, cucumbers, and celery. These foods are high in water content as well as having a significant amount of fiber, which Roll recommends at 20 to 30 grams a day.

As for lean meats, fish and chicken without skin is recommended. For fats, canola and olive oil are used in many of the recipes.

Emotional Eating

In her plan, Rolls also addresses emotional eating, which has to do with eating for reasons other than hunger. She poses situations such as boredom or happiness, and ask if they stimulate you to eat. If they do, you are eating out of emotion and not hunger.

Rolls states that the first step toward separating emotion from hunger is to learn to label them correctly. Once you do that, you can respond more appropriately. For instance, if you are bored, watch a movie; if you are lonely, call a friend.

She also states that those who have troubles or persistent patterns that you can't identify, may need to seek professional therapeutic help before attempting to change eating patterns.

Risks in the Plan

Because the plan is similar to the Food Pyramid, there are no risks associated with it. The only precaution is that those who are not use to eating a lot of fiber may experience some bloating or cramping. If you do, just cut back on the amount you eat and build your way up.

Overall Assessment Of Volumetrics

Overall, the Volumetrics diet plan has all the elements for an effective weight loss plan. It includes lots of fruits and vegetables, a recommendation of eating lean meats, and stresses the importance of exercise.

Her book also addresses emotional eating, which is a subject that most other diets fail to mention. By including this, Rolls gives her readers other avenues to venture down in trying to determine why they may be eating too much.

So, if the Volumetrics plan sounds like it is for you, be sure to pick up her book, Volumetrics Weight-Control Plan.

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