Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Allowing Alcohol Back Into Your Diet Plan

If you're someone who's on a quest for a lean physique, one beverage that you might have banned from your diet a long time ago is that of alcohol. Most fitness enthusiasts believe that if they want to shed fat, maintain a high metabolism, and build lean muscle mass on their body, alcohol has to go.

But, does it really? Or, is there another option?

The important thing to remember about alcohol is that it does contain calories and it will influence what's taking place in your body from a metabolic point after you consume it. But if you're smart in how you approach alcohol consumption, it can really make its way back to your diet all while you work towards the goal to get leaner.

Let's take a closer look into the alcohol/fat loss connection so you can get the facts straight on this beverage and your diet.

Making Smart Adjustments

First things first, if you are going to allow alcohol back into your diet plan, one thing that you definitely should be doing is making sure to cut back earlier on in the day. Since fat loss will come down to total calories consumed versus total calories expended, if you go adding two to three drinks to your daily calorie intake, this will tilt the scale towards the surplus side and will cause you to see weight gain.

If you reduce back on your food intake slightly throughout the day on the evening that you plan to have a few drinks, then they're much easier to accommodate to while still maintaining that desired calorie balance.

When cutting back, you should remember that the one food you definitely don't want to cut back on is your protein intake. Protein rich foods are imperative to success as these are the ones that will support your lean muscle mass, help fuel the rebuilding and repair process after your hard workouts, and help to keep your metabolism revved.

If you aren't meeting your daily protein requirements, you're going to be in big trouble so make sure you don't cut calories from this aspect of your diet.

Instead, turn to the carbohydrates you're consuming. If you can decrease the portion sizes of a few of the starchy carbohydrate servings you're having throughout the day, this will be the smartest way to make room for the incoming alcohol calories.

Instead, make those earlier meals protein and fat focused with plenty of fresh vegetables, which will keep your calories where they need to be.

Get Choosy With Your Drink Selection

The next thing that you must do if you're going to allow alcohol back into your diet is make sure you're selective with the type of drink you choose.

Avoid the sugary cocktails at all costs - these are high-calorie bombs that will quickly cause fat gain to take place. Also avoid any creamy liquors or mixed drinks containing this form of alcohol as these will not only contain the alcohol calories, but have added sugars and saturated fats as well. Not exactly the recipe for a lean body.

Instead, opt for some wine. Wine will actually provide benefits to the body since it's rich in antioxidants and will help to promote wellness and reduce your risk of heart disease. Just limit yourself to a glass or two otherwise you'll negate the health benefits it provides.

Time Your Workout Wisely

Finally, the last thing that you should do if you're going to add alcohol back into your diet picture without suffering weight gain because of it is time your workouts properly.

If you can get in a vigorous workout the morning of the night you plan to have a few drinks, this will also help to reduce the chances that fat is gained from indulging. But, just try and have at least two meals and six hours between the workout and the alcohol intake if possible to allow for the muscle synthesis process to take place so alcohol doesn't hinder you in that regard.

Then, after you have your drinks, try and get in another good workout the morning following. This will further help ensure all the alcohol is cleared from your system and your metabolism is functioning optimally again.

So next time a friend or co-worker invites you out for drinks, don't be so fast to shun the opportunity to go out and have some fun. You work hard to maintain your healthy lifestyle and this shouldn't come at the expense of some social enjoyment. All it takes is a little advanced planning and some portion control so you only have one or two drinks and not ten, and you'll have no trouble adding these drinks to your diet while maintaining your lean figure.

Sue Heintze is Creator, Owner and Managing Director of Australia's premier online personal training and body transformation website, idealbodiesonline.com IdealBodiesOnline.com. Formerly overweight and out of shape, Sue finally discovered the fat loss secret and for the last 10 years has shared her passion by helping others achieve their fitness and fat loss goals. Sue recently created Body Blitz Blueprint for Fat Loss, a comprehensive range of training, nutrition and motivational programs for men and women of all fitness levels. As a former natural figure competitor Sue knows how to get that sexy, trim physique you've always dreamed of having - no matter where you are starting from! She invites you to claim your copy of her free report, BodyBlitzBlueprint.com 25 Secrets to Fat Loss Success

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