Saturday, January 25, 2014

Fast Fad Diet Plans - Debunking Their Claim on Fast Weight Loss

One thing common about fad diet plans is that their creators would often flaunt that they always work in the quickest, simplest way. They would often claim that the magic formula has never been discovered before and most would tell you to "dump" the old, yet wise combination of foods from the more widely accepted Food Pyramid.

Most of these fad diets will just give you user testimonies, not really downright scientific facts which you can check yourself through scientific literature, which is more reliable than a movie star's claim to success in using the product.

Most will also tell you to cut down on one food group and just take supplements to minimize the natural craving that the body will undergo if too much of one food group is missing in one's diet. In fact, totally depriving the body of either carbohydrates or proteins or fats may be deadly to some people. For example, very high protein diets can cause kidney disease, while very low carbs can impact the blood sugar levels of diabetic patients and at the worst, can result to shock or fainting.

Let's face what may seem like an ugly truth to most people - there is not one fad diet plan that can bring about lasting results in an instant. Those diet pills that you may have heard being endorsed by movie stars on TV would usually cause dizziness, because of the sudden drop of electrolytes in the body that can happen if you are not taking enough food or water. You may also experience jitters, heart palpitations and high blood pressure, which may be deadly for some people.

It is best to see your doctor before starting any fat loss plan so that you may be guided properly. Your doctor or a licensed nutritionist can devise a food plan for you that is based on daily nutrient requirements and yet are tasty, low calorie meals. You should also combine a good diet with proper exercise and other physical activities.

You'll find that this is the best recipe for permanent fat loss and not the fad diet plans that are all over the place. Do yourself a favor - do your homework and educate yourself on the value of foods and how your body reacts to it. Know your body signals when it comes to food cravings and make sure to eat only when you're hungry, not when you are bored or depressed. Forget about the fast fad diet plans and work on more permanent fat loss solutions.

So, before embarking on a fad diet plan, make sure to read more about proper dieting and look for the best food combinations that will make you lose weight.

Mary Tanady desires to write articles since 3 years ago. Not only this author loves to write in the topic of weight loss, but also in beauty, dieting, fitness training and health. Visit her latest website on cross pen set, which reviews about pen and pencil sets.

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