Monday, November 4, 2013

Diet Plan For A Fatty Liver - The Four Basic Foods You Must Eat to Stop That Fatty Liver

Fatty Liver is a disease that is caused by excess fat build ups that are located in the liver cells. This kind of disease has no symptom and undetectable unless you take an ultra sound or suffer the complications that arises when you have it. A fatty liver is known to be the first step before having a liver cirrhosis, cancer of the liver, and worse liver failure.

Since this problem cannot be determined immediately, it is advised that you should see your doctor for consultation. When a doctor tells you that you are suffering from this kind of problem, you should do what he or she says. The first advise the doctor will give you whether you suffer from an alcoholic or non alcoholic cause of fatty liver is that you should change your diet plan. "Watch what you eat" this is the common phrase they will tell a patient. Foods to avoid and foods to eat are vital to the recovery of a simple inflamed liver, they patient must then work fast because, what doctors won't tell you is that, the liver cannot be cured once it is severely damaged.

When you have a fatty liver, here are the four basic foods you should take to lose that fatty liver;

1. High fibrous foods -

Foods with high fiber content can help the digestion process of the body. When this happens more fats are burns and eventually the excess fats that are stored in the liver cells will burn so that the liver will be normal again.

2. Foods low in calories -

Select foods that are low in calories, this will help you lose excess fat, and it will also help you heart. A person must remember that the heart is the most unpredictable part of a human body, it can go off any time without warning if your not taking care of it.

3. Choose foods low in saturated fat -

Since excess fat are the cause why inflamed liver exists, it is advised to choose foods that are low from this, so that the effectiveness of the diet can be seen immediately.

4. Total fat of no more than 30 percent of total calories -

Do a calorie count. It doesn't mean when you do this you will suffer from anorexia, you just have to do this to control you weight and watch what you eat. This is vital because when you practice this method, results can be seen immediately and in the long run you will know what to eat and what not to eat. But before you do this kind of method it is advisable that you see a nutritionist so that you will be guided in the right way of doing it.

Do you want to know more on how to lose that fatty liver? and become healthy again?

To learn more click here

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